What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!



“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!” I know you heard of that saying before. It is the truth. Too many times one goes through life seeking for the easy way out. The fast and quick solutions to ones problems. But remember, what comes fast, may leave just as fast too.

Life is all about what you make of it. There is always two sides to a situation and if you decide to pick the positive side, you won’t be able to get knocked out or defeated. Let’s be real, life is an ongoing struggle. There will be bumps along the way. Although personally, i despite the bumps and detours. I’ve learned that that is what makes life beautiful and of course interesting.

Little by little, I want to keep sharing more about my life experiences, in hopes of helping at least one person. There will be people, obstacles that will find ways in front of your feet, trying hard to stop you. But you have to look at “them” and step right over them. There is no time in life to stay down and let those bumps in life stop you, kill you. You have to get through it because in the end it will definitely make you stronger.

I believe that struggles in life are purely there to help build your character. It helps prepare you for future obstacles and unexpected life situations.

I don’t like to struggle. Who does? Do you? I want to have a life that is filled with happiness and an easy-going,  day to day routine. But I had to learn to wake up and move on from that mentality because its simply unrealistic. Life is unpredictable.

Lots of people I know were made aware of my struggles and as I transitioned out of a few struggles by the grace of God. Here are what some people told me, “Because you didn’t give up, I have to keep trying.” “You are so strong. If I were in your shoes, I don’t think I could keep going. I would just stop. I couldn’t do it.” “You are an inspiration and because of you, I know that if I keep trying, I will get it too.”

I didn’t continue on with trying to get through struggles in my life just because I wanted the recognition of friends and family. (Trust and believe if I could pick between struggling and getting what I want, you know what I would pick, right?) I keep pushing through my struggles because each and every one of them are building my character, my personality. They are teaching me more about myself everyday. I now know that because of my life struggles, there is no way that I can give up. There is no way that I can allow struggles to hold me back. I may feel down at times, but I always pray and I always get back up.

If you are struggling right now with something, whether it be an illness, trouble inyour relationships, job, etc. Please know that this will pass and there is always a lesson in each struggle that you will endure. The important thing is that you get through them all & remain strong. Don’t forget to pray!!

Can you relate? Do you agree that hardships, struggles makes you a stronger person? Do you believe that struggling in life is just unfair? What are your thoughts? Please share them below.

If you liked this post and can relate to it, please share it along on social media. Help me reach more people. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope that it was able to inspire you to keep moving on through your struggles. IT will get better!!





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