#AskFearlessly Ep. 3 | AM I TOO SHY TO BE A NURSE?

Do you believe that a certain personality makes a “Great” nurse? Let me know. Growing up I always knew that I wanted to work in the health care area. I dreamed of becoming a pediatrician to be exact. I don’t know why I was stuck on that profession. But I knew in my heart I loved to help others. It brought me joy knowing that I could do something, anything to help someone.

Now if you can agree with me, that you know of a few people whose personality doesn’t quite fit the “ideal” image of a nurse. Nevertheless, that doesn’t negate their impact as a Registered Nurse.

Personally for me, I was always very shy. I didn’t find myself talking much in class. I knew the answers but somehow I kept it all to myself. As I got deeper into the nursing program, I realized that I couldn’t be this shy individual anymore. I had to open my mouth and be heard. I had to speak up and let others know that I have thoughts and opinions. I knew that as a nurse I have to be an advocate for my patients and I can’t be a shy nurse when it comes down to that.

Life is filled with lessons. I learned that we all live in this world to grow and adapt. So if you are in nursing school right now and you were wondering if being shy would hinder you…well you will probably find out that you will push the shyness away as you get closer and closer to your goals.

HERE are some tips to help you overcome being shy

🌀Some tips➜ Tips on overcoming being Shy

Question of the Day: Are you shy? What do you do to get over being so shy?


Want to watch more on this topic? Watch this video:

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by.

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#AskFearlessly Ep. 2 | How has IT Changed You?

How has it changed you? How has being a repeat tester changed me? Well with any experiences ones mentality and perspectives will change. Being a repeat tester has changed me mentally, physically and spiritually.


After taking an exam like NCLEX, how could one not be changed. Hours upon hours, weeks after weeks of studying so much materials. I grew physically tired of it all. But at the end of the day, I had to remember why I am doing all this in the first place. I knew that I wanted to become a Registered Nurse and this is one of the most important steps to get there.

Being a repeat tester has truly made me sit back and become insecure. I didn’t feel as though I was good enough to even pass the NCLEX or become Registered Nurse. Sadly, I grew depressed. I isolated myself from family and friends. I didn’t want to go out to enjoy  this thing called life. In my mind, it was NCLEX or nothing and at the time it seemed as though NCLEX was unobtainable. I later learned that when studying for NCLEX becomes overwhelming, please stop and take breaks. It doesn’t matter how long of a break just as long as you get back in the routine to study again.

I learned that making plans for our lives can really set you up for disappointments. God is above everything. He is in control and His timing is always right. I had to learn that while I was a repeat test taker, He was letting me know that I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t fully prepared to move on to the next step. Believe me, it was hard during that time to see or understand it all. I honestly thought that God hated me. But if you are reading this and you are a repeat test taker, don’t give up on God, no matter what. Stay strong and keep going. You will be blessed with your hearts desires but on His timing!!


Check out more on what I had to say here



Thank you all so much for stopping by!




More Places to Find Me:


(Business Inquiries/Product Reviews): FearlessRN.biz@gmail.com

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I Didn’t get to…


I Didn’t get to…


I didn’t get to celebrate immediately after graduating from Nursing School because I had to prepare for the most important exam of my life. If you are currently in nursing school then you know about the pressure.  I didn’t get to take a break from studying because I wanted to ensure that I knew all that I could possible to be a great and competent nurse (according to NCLEX). If you have graduated from nursing school then probably you can relate.

I didn’t get to enjoy life after NCLEX with my classmates because I didn’t make it when they did. I didn’t get to experience the emotions of relief and of accomplishment as I was literally left out.

I didn’t get to land my nursing job with others I knew because I didn’t get to move on from NCLEX. I didn’t get to sit down and chat with friends about life after nursing school because I was still stuck.

Life after nursing school…graduation day was a pivotal turning point. I was living life in stagnation. NCLEX was literally a journey for me and during that time I had to learn so much nursing information but most importantly I had to learn a bit more about myself as a person.

Nursing is a career path that is always evolving, so isn’t it important that we too are always changing and adapting as well? I knew that nursing school was something that I always wanted to do. I felt in love with the idea of being able to help make a difference in ones life no matter how big or small. I loved that I could teach others as I learned. I just wanted to become a great nurse to someone.

NCLEX or at least my journey with NCLEX wasn’t the best experience. I literally struggled and yet I never gave up. I was a repeat tester but I don’t and I won’t live my life defined as one. What I’ve learned about NCLEX is that it really weeds out those of us who are really determined, strongly passionate about nursing. Why, because NCLEX isn’t an easy exam but it takes someone who really loves the career to keep going forward to reach their goals.

I didn’t get to live life how I really wanted to. I didn’t get to go out and celebrate the holidays as I planned. I was always studying in hopes of passing this exam. I didn’t want to do anything but work harder on reaching my goals, write that RN behind my name. So I grew isolated and everyone noticed but myself. I gave up a lot to get to where I am today. Since graduation day to this very moment that I am writing this post. Nursing is my passion and I may not have been able to do the things that others were able to do hastily. But in the end, I was able to learn more about myself and my relationship with God.

I had to learn how to slow down, take breaks and breathe. I had to learn that everyones’ timing is different. But you have to believe that God will get you to the finish line but in His timing. To be honest, I still struggle with that, but I’ve learned that by waiting on Gods’ timing, things in life turn out much better than expected.

So if you read this post, I hope that you at least took away one thing. I didn’t get to….do lots of things but I learned to always be patient and wait on God. In the moment, you will grow impatient and upset but He knows it all. Days turns into nights and it will get tough. You may even find yourself, like I did, looking out the window while others are living life and you’re just inside studying. But during that time and afterwards, don’t ever give up.

Things you want may not happen when you envisioned it to take place but if its Gods’ will, it will come to pass. One day, I will share my journey because I know it can inspire someone. You, yes you, have an equally inspiring story too. Please share as much as you want here. It can and will inspire someone. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Please don’t forget to like this post and share it on any social media that you would like. Thanks so much for your time and support. Stay encouraged!! 





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What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!



“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!” I know you heard of that saying before. It is the truth. Too many times one goes through life seeking for the easy way out. The fast and quick solutions to ones problems. But remember, what comes fast, may leave just as fast too.

Life is all about what you make of it. There is always two sides to a situation and if you decide to pick the positive side, you won’t be able to get knocked out or defeated. Let’s be real, life is an ongoing struggle. There will be bumps along the way. Although personally, i despite the bumps and detours. I’ve learned that that is what makes life beautiful and of course interesting.

Little by little, I want to keep sharing more about my life experiences, in hopes of helping at least one person. There will be people, obstacles that will find ways in front of your feet, trying hard to stop you. But you have to look at “them” and step right over them. There is no time in life to stay down and let those bumps in life stop you, kill you. You have to get through it because in the end it will definitely make you stronger.

I believe that struggles in life are purely there to help build your character. It helps prepare you for future obstacles and unexpected life situations.

I don’t like to struggle. Who does? Do you? I want to have a life that is filled with happiness and an easy-going,  day to day routine. But I had to learn to wake up and move on from that mentality because its simply unrealistic. Life is unpredictable.

Lots of people I know were made aware of my struggles and as I transitioned out of a few struggles by the grace of God. Here are what some people told me, “Because you didn’t give up, I have to keep trying.” “You are so strong. If I were in your shoes, I don’t think I could keep going. I would just stop. I couldn’t do it.” “You are an inspiration and because of you, I know that if I keep trying, I will get it too.”

I didn’t continue on with trying to get through struggles in my life just because I wanted the recognition of friends and family. (Trust and believe if I could pick between struggling and getting what I want, you know what I would pick, right?) I keep pushing through my struggles because each and every one of them are building my character, my personality. They are teaching me more about myself everyday. I now know that because of my life struggles, there is no way that I can give up. There is no way that I can allow struggles to hold me back. I may feel down at times, but I always pray and I always get back up.

If you are struggling right now with something, whether it be an illness, trouble inyour relationships, job, etc. Please know that this will pass and there is always a lesson in each struggle that you will endure. The important thing is that you get through them all & remain strong. Don’t forget to pray!!

Can you relate? Do you agree that hardships, struggles makes you a stronger person? Do you believe that struggling in life is just unfair? What are your thoughts? Please share them below.

If you liked this post and can relate to it, please share it along on social media. Help me reach more people. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope that it was able to inspire you to keep moving on through your struggles. IT will get better!!





More Places to Find Me:

EMAILS: FearlessRN.biz@gmail.com     AskFearlessRN@gmail.com

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