How to Study Precautions for NCLEX

Infection Control Precautions are huge on the NCLEX exam. It is important that you know and understand which diseases belong in each precaution category. On NCLEX, there will be questions that may ask you if patient A (who has TB) can be in a room with patient B (who has Hepatitis C), etc.

I have a video on my youtube channel that explains what you need to do for your patient and which Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) you need too. Please watch this video to go along with this post.



“My Chicken Flew Up in the AIR and has TB”

My- Measles/Rubeola

Chicken- Chicken pox/Variella

Hez- Herpez Zoster/Shingles

TB- Tuberculosis


“Spiderman DROPPED out of the Sky”

S (x3)

S- Sepsis

S- Scarlet Fever

S- Streptococcoal pharyngitis

P (x3)

P- parvovirus B19

P- pneumonia

P- Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

I- Influenze

D- diptheria (pharyneal)

E- epiglottitis

R- rubella, rhinovirus

M (x3)

M- Mumps

M- meningitis

M- mycoplasma/meningeal pneumonia

AN- Adenovirus


“If you want to get better, do not CONTACT MRS.WEE”

M- multi-drug resistant organism (MRSE, VRE)

R- respiratory infection, croup, Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

S- skin infections

W- wound infections

E- Enteric infections (C. Diff)

E- eye infections (conjunctivitis)

Additional diseases: Impetigo, Head lice, Endometritis,MRSA (staph infection), Staphylococcal (S. aureus), Rota virus, Shigellosis, Herpes Simplex, Varicella Zoster, Hepatitis A, Candidiasis (Thrush), DRE


“To prevent SKIN INFECTIONS, avoid TOUCHING V’s Chips”

V- Varicella zoster

C- Cutaneous diptheria

H-herpes simplex

I- impetigo

P- pediculosis

S- scabies


AIDS, Vaginal yeast infection, Diarrhea (basic type),

Mononucleosis/Epstein Barr Virus, West Nile (via Mosquitos), Hepatitis C (via blood/body fluids)

Cutaneous Anthrax, Tetanus, Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), Lyme Disease

♢◆If there are any that I missed, please share in the comment section. I would greatly appreciate your input. If you know of other ways to learn the precautions, please share them below. It will help someone. Thank you so much for your support! ♢◆

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