When to Round Decimals Up, Round Down | Dosage Calculations

Hi people!! Today I will share with you some tips on when and how you should round the decimal up or down. It may seem confusing at first, especially while doing your dosage calculation problems. But with my suggestions, you should be fine.


The first thing you want to keep in memory is the decimal place values. Here is a chart I found that is very clear and most importantly helpful.


Note: The numbers to the right of the decimal point are Whole numbers; and they increase in value. Where as the numbers to the left of the decimal point are fractions; and they decrease in value.

-The first place to the right of the decimal is tenths.

-The second place to the right of the decimal is hundredths.

-The third place to the right of the decimal is thousandths.

-The fourth place to the right of the decimal is ten thousandths.

**When doing dosage calculations, its important to consider ONLY three figures after the decimal point. (thousandths)

If there isn’t a whole number in front of the decimal place (.056), always put a zero in front like this (0.056). This helps to avoid errors


Now here is the fun part. Let’s use this as an example,  18.763. Now glance back up at the chart above. Which number is in the tenths place? (7). Which number is in the hundredths place? (6) Which number is in the thousandths place? (3)

Rule: Rounding

Round to the nearest Hundredth place   Example: 18.763

1) Find the number in the hundredths place, which is the number 6.

2) Look at the number to the right of the number 6, is that number more or less than 5?

**If the number is 5 or greater , round the number up by one. 

**If the number is less than 5, the number remains the same.

Round to nearest hundredth place

  1. 0.778 becomes 0.78
  2. 0.472 becomes 0.47
  3. 3.015 becomes 3.02
  4. 2.562 becomes 2.56

Round to the nearest tenth place:

  1. 0.89 becomes 0.9
  2. 5.71 becomes 5.7
  3. 1.42 becomes 1.4
  4. 1.65 becomes 1.7

Always pay attention to numbers and what the question is asking you. Here is a number 4.375.

What if the question asks you to write it in the nearest tenths? What would it? (4.4 in tenths).

What about to the hundredths? What would it be? (4.38 in hundredths)

*Don’t round until the end (until you have solved the problem, then you round the number to place in which the question asks of you).


Here is a visual if you would like to watch it.



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