Delegation in Nursing & NCLEX

Delegation is an essential part of nursing as it aids in effective patient care. Without proper nursing skills in delegation, the hospital would be in chaos. Here are some notes I have that may help you as well as some sample questions.

DELEGATION-transferring authority & responsibility to another staff member but not accountability.

Delegating tasks to another staff who isn’t an RN, you as the RN is still accountable.

SUPERVISING-directing, monitoring and evaluating that the task is accomplished.

You must follow up to ensure that the task was done correctly. Always be specific as far as time and priority of the task being delegated.

Ask yourself: Was the task done correctly? Were the clients needs met?

ASSIGNING– the distribution of work among the healthcare team.

RN has the responsibility and accountability for all the work that has to be done.

Must ensure that the staff member has the adequate skill level, any prior experience with similar clients, etc


Right Task– identify what tasks are appropriate to delegate for each client

Right Communication– RN must give clear, complete communication or directions.

Be specific, tell staff when to report changes

Right Circumstance– Match the staff members skill level to the client’s care need

Right Person– Task must be within the staff member’s scope of practice.

Staff member must have the proper training

Right Supervision– RN supervises or monitors the staff, provides clear directions

RN must state expectations of tasks

Evaluate the outcomes


Do not delegate Teaching, Evaluation, Assessment, IV’s

Does initial assessments


Can care for long term clients, Stable clients. (Never “fresh” clients) Can do follow up teaching and assessments. Medication administrations excluding IV’s

Can do trach care, suctioning, check nasogastric tube patency


Vital signs on stable clients ,ADLs, Specimen collections, I&Os and established enteral feeding via Gtube (They can do tasks that are routinely done).

Book: Prioritization, Delegation and Assignment 3e

Sample Questions

  1. A Registered Nurse is delegating activities to the nursing staff. Which activity is least appropriate for the nursing assistant? (p. 346)
  1. Assigning a post cardiac catheterization client who needs to lie flat to eat lunch
  2. Obtaining frequent oral temperatures on client
  3. Accompanying  a man being discharged to his transportation to home
  4. Collecting a urine specimen from a client

2) A medication nurse is supervising a newly licensed LPN during the administration of a client with myasthenia gravis. Which observation by the medication nurse would indicate safe practice by the LPN? (p. 341)

  1. Asking the client to lay down on his or her right side
  2. Instructing the client to void before taking medication
  3. Asking the client to take sips of water
  4. Asking the client to look u at the ceiling for 30 seconds


  1. (1) Work that is delegated to others must be done consistent with the individual’s level of expertise and licensure or lack of licensure. The least appropriate task for the CNA would be assisting the post cardiac catheterization client who needs to lie flat to eat lunch. Since the client needs to lay flat, this client is at risk for aspiration.  
  2. (3) Myasthenia gravis can affect the client’s ability to swallow. The primary assessment is to determine the client’s ability to handle oral medications or any oral substance. Options 1, 4 are not appropriate. Option 1 would result in aspiration and the client does not need to void before taking this medication.

***Taking from Saunders Q & A Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination edition 3***

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EKG Basics for Nursing & NCLEX

Hey everyone!!

I know that once you hear “E-K-G” you might freak out. I know when I was in nursing school I had a huge fear of EKG. It was all lines and more lines in my eyes. Then once NCLEX time came around, I definitely didn’t want to bother with them. But I knew that EKG is very important so I had to be patient with myself and study it.

Please don’t worry if you can’t understand it all in one sitting. Once you are able to break it all down, you will see that its really not that difficult.



What is an EKG?

EKG/ECG– is a drawing or picture of the electrical conduction of the heart.

So just imagine that the strip are tiny photos of the hearts activity and know you have to interpret it.



P Wave– Atrial depolarization

QRS Complex-Ventricular Depolarization

Normal QRS Complex- 0.04-0.10 seconds/1-2.5 boxes)

T Wave-Ventricular Repolarization

PR Interval-Atrial Depolarization; the amount of the it takes impulse through the SA node to AV node

Normal PR Interval- 0.12-0.20 seconds/3-4 boxes

ST segment-Early Ventricular Repolarization


Cardiac Tissue

Automaticity-create an impulse (SA node & AV node)

Excitability-the rest of the heart responds to the impulses & then relax

Conductivity-the electrical pattern

Contractility-ability to contract. It’s the mechanical activity of the heart.


Intrinsic Cardiac rates

Sinoatrial/SA node– the battery of the heart. It starts the heart beat.

60=100 bpm

Atrioventricular/AV node– “Back up battery”

40-60 bpm

Bundle of His/Ventricular Purkinje-20-40 bpm



Watch this video to know all about EKG and its components.




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